Visa guidance updated

Visa guidance has been updated by Joanna Jasiewicz. The new version is now live on our website and you can find it on Visa Application page.

Ukrainian Coffee Morning Success!

It was never in doubt! It was wonderful to see so many Guests and Hosts mingling and enjoying the delicious Ukrainian fayre provided by our amazing Guests. It was a feast for the eyes, as well and the tastebuds and tums. Thanks to everyone who contributed and to Alla...

Events this week (15th August)

Special event this SATURDAY – 20th August. Our first ever weekend coffee morning and presented by our UKR guests for the pleasure of their hosts and other guests. Please come and support them. Tuesday – Coffee Morning 10:00-12:00, Free Church, Great...

Events this week (8th August)

Another full week. Please encourage and help your guests to take full advantage of it all. And do ask them if they have further ideas about what they would like to see on offer – e.g. other activities, events, visits to local sights or even further afield. All...

National Trust – FREE Passes

This is an offer to current (or new) NT members. As a member, you can request a free pass for each of your Ukrainian guests, over 18.  Call their Customer Services 0344 800 1895 – they will ask you for your membership number, and check your details....

Botanic Gardens – FREE Passes

The Cambridge University Botanic Garden is generously providing FREE ENTRY to the Botanic Garden for Ukrainian refugees living in South Cambridgeshire. Their goal is to welcome Ukrainian refugees to the Garden, give them access to a beautiful green space in Cambridge,...