Dear OASISS Hosts and Supporters
We write to you as the second anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine comes to pass.  The OASISS Team would like to update you on the current status of OASISS, plus carry out one or two administrative tasks.
During 2023, our focus has been to support those Ukrainian guests who have settled within our community and help them to move onto independent living, where that is a requirement.  39 families have moved into social housing, along with one or two in private rental.  10 families are still with a host.  The guests across our communities total an amazing 115!
Due to the generosity of Hosts and friends, we have supplied many items of furniture, cooking pots, pans and utensils, beds and bedding, completely free.  Our resources are now dwindling, as is the demand, so we will be closing the garage doors very soon, with remaining items going to Cambridge Re-Use or Emmaeus.  We have also helped with obtaining grants for flooring and the setting up of contracts with service suppliers.  In some instances, we have been to flat sit where a service provider needs to gain access to carry out checks or repairs.  The Clothes Hub continues and is managed by Ukrainians, at the Free Church in Sawston, most Friday evenings from 4pm-6pm.
Thanks again to the generosity of Hosts and friends, we have been able to hold just a few social events, to keep the Ukrainian community in contact and to lift their spirits.  For more detail of our year’s activities I have attached a link to the Annual Report AGM OASISS 2023_Final.
We do stil have some families hoping to come to the UK and if anyone would like to discuss a hosting opportunity, please click the Offer to Host button, or write to us at  The government is still supporting Homes for Ukraine, so if you, or your friends, have any questions on anything, please do not hesitate to contact us.  You would certainly have our support.
Fundraising continues
Our thanks go to It Takes a City, who have collaborated with us since the beginning.  Their support was critical to our fundraising efforts and provided a vital banking facility.  By mutual agreement, this facility will be closing this year.  Our Just Giving page is closed, however, we now have a community account with Barclays and would welcome contributions at any time.   Funds will continue to be used for events to bring the Ukrainian community together from time to time, to keep contact and raise spirits.   A massive thank you to everyone who has donated in the past and made so much possible, for so many guests.  You will continue to receive updates occasionally from us.  Thank you.
Contact going forward
Our website is still active and we still have many of you who remain subscribed to our mailing list.  We hope that you would like to remain in contact and to receive the occasional update from the OASISS Team.  However, in line with GDPR requirements, you are free to unsubscribe at any time.  Just complete the short form and we will remove your name from our email address.
We send you all heartfelt thanks for all your support in this extremely worthwhile effort and wish you the very best of the year.
We live in hope of peace for Ukraine.